Nutritive Requirement Of Seniors A Compulsory Factor

We need food for our body to survive as well as our mind to work properly. It’s a must for our survival. We need to concentrate on the requirement of our body. Yes there is a difference in the nutritive requirement of a body in certain ages. The nutrition that is required for a child or a young man or woman is different from nutrition for senior citizens. This difference is according to the need of the body as well as the ages of the people. The nutritive requirements variably change from time to time and under certain medical conditions. 

What to Eat Being Old Adult?

It is really important for every individual to eat a balanced diet no matters from which age group he or she belongs. Balanced diet is a combination of all the healthy nutrients. Seniors need more balanced diets in a way that they can easily digest it and can get benefits of the food that they eat. There are few things that can play a vital role for balancing the nutrition for senior citizens .

The Power of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The omega 3 fatty acids are a true magic against inflammation which can drag a person to heart disease, cancer and stiffness. Fish is the best source to get such acid. Seniors should take fish at least twice in a week. There are supplements for this particular acid but one need to consult the doctor before using it.


Old or senior citizens are in more need of calcium.  Their bone weakens with growing age. Calcium is essential for the health of their bone and joints etc. it also help out to maintain the blood pressure levels. Milk and dairy products are the great source of calcium. There are so many leafy vegetables that contain calcium. If one feels it reluctant to consume the required amount of calcium on daily basis, there are certain meal replacement shakes as well. One needs to confirm it with the physician.   

Limit Your Sodium Intake

With growing age there are few diseases that also use to grow like hypertension. For old people it is must to avoid food that has a high amount of sodium in it. Avoid the intake of salt as much as you can. Fast food and the frozen food are also high in sodium so also avoid such meals. Try to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. This way you can control the high blood pressure levels.

Keep Yourself Hydrate

As mentioned earlier there are too many things that an old person may avoid and the other with different age may not. As people start growing age they may not feel the thirst. It doesn’t mean that they are in no need of any liquids. Their body still need and actually demands the liquids. Drink as much water in a day as you can. No matters whether its summer or winters. Yes in summers it’s more important to keep yourself hydrate.  If you feel like not to drink water or don’t like to then you can have juices of your choice. Urine is the unquestionable symbol of hydration or lack of it. If it’s clear and light, then you are fine and hydrated. If it’s dark then you must need to drink plenty of water.

